Sunday 26 April 2009

5 Mistakes by Twitter Beginners

5 Mistakes by Twitter Beginners

Referring to my previous post on "How to get more Twitter followers" , this is the next in the series. If you have not read the previous post do read it. In the last post I told to tweet nice topics regarding a single category and be regular in order to increase your twitter followers.

Twitter as you know is much more than a micro blogging website. Its better to call twitter a social networking micro blogging site. Its not the same as other social networking sites like facebook or others, its a lot different. What makes it different is that only some use twitter for personal purpose, while everyone uses twitter for their professional reasons. Let me focus today on what mistakes are made by beginners in Twitter.

Common mistakes by Twitter beginners

Mistake 1

If you look upon twitter you will find a lot of people who are actually beginners in Internet marketing not using twitter as it is. They actually don't know what they are doing. In order to increase the number of followers in twitter these guys make a common mistake and start spamming twitter with all they articles the find in the article directories, hoping to attract everyone. But actually they end up attracting beginners and no professional as their follower. I always suggest to tweet absolutely wonderful tweets, according to the audience you have.

If you have a tech blog please don't tweet about cooking, you will not get any new followers but also end up loosing your existing ones.

Mistake 2

Beginners when tweeting also make a common mistake in twitter, they tweet a lot. A lot means hundreds of time in a day. This actually makes their existing twitter followers angry, and this also comes to their notice that they are following a beginner.

Mistake 3

Always Follow your seniors, this brings you to the notice of already established bloggers and site owners. Always reply to the established bloggers whom you follow regarding their recent posts. But this custom is still missing in twitter.

Mistake 4

Beginners are not consistent and that's truth with not all but with most. You have to be consistent in your tweets about the topic you are posting in.

Mistake 5

The last mistake a twitter beginner can make is not to follow the above tips.


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