Thursday, 24 September 2009

Exchange Server 2007 Tutorial - New Features

Exchange Server 2007 has a lot of new features when changes when comparing it to the older versions of exchanges server like 2003, 2000 or NT 5.5. Below is a list of all features that are new to exchange server 2007.

  1. Exchange Management Console - Its the time to say good bye to exchange system manager. The lovely working days with exchange system manager are gone. Now its the time to welcome something called Exchange Management Console. This is a wonderful tool with some great looks helping us to manage the entire exchange organization just like exchange system manager
  2. Exchange Management Shell - If you are very excited to know about Exchange Management Console - here comes a bummer. You cannot create public folders in Exchange Management Console you will need powershell for that. Exchange Management Shell is a modified Powershell containing cmd-lets specially customized for Exchange Server Management.
  3. Unified Messaging - Tell me how many of you thought that unified messaging is something just associated with CISCO. I think all of you.. Now unified messaging comes to Exchange Server 2007 allowing users all over your organization to receive voice mail through various mobility devices.
  4. 64 bit only - Sorry to say but no exchange 2007 server on 32 bit from now. Only 64 bit versions of exchange server are supported by Microsoft.
  5. Availability - Gone are the days when we used to sit the entire day in the office to configure routing on exchange servers because some of our servers are down. Failover to other Exchange Servers (Hub Transport Server) is automatic.
  6. Security and Protection - Without any doubt with newer version of every Microsoft product the security is enhancing so with the case with exchange servers.
Their are additional Features of exchange server that I will be talking in future blog posts.

This post relates to Exchange Server 2007 FREE Tutorial and Training Series.


Alexis said...

Exist a lot of good programs on my PC. But the day before yesterday I stumbled upon a bad problem with damaged Exchange info. For luck kept my head and chose one tool for solving, which was successful. It might be good determination for solving this trouble - microsoft exchange email recovery.

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